Ammo Inert Ord

Our Products: Ammunition > Ammo Inert Ord
Ammo Inert Ord
All products are inert with no powder or primers and are safe for your military display. Some state restrictions may apply.
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.30 Carbine Dummy Rounds West German 5

.30 Carbine Dummy Rounds West German 5

Price $20.00

.30 Carbine WW2 Dummy Rounds BRASS 5

.30 Carbine WW2 Dummy Rounds BRASS 5

Price $16.00

.30 Carbine WW2 Dummy Rounds STEEL 5

.30 Carbine WW2 Dummy Rounds STEEL 5

Price $16.00

12.7x108 mm  HMG Dummy Round

12.7x108 mm HMG Dummy Round

Price $15.00

22 Cal Rimfire Converter for US Mil 30-06 MG Training

22 Cal Rimfire Converter for US Mil 30-06 MG Training

Price $5.00

460 Steyr Factory Inert Training Round

460 Steyr Factory Inert Training Round

Price $15.00

60mm Inert Training Smoke Mortar #4872

60mm Inert Training Smoke Mortar #4872

Price $125.00

7.62x25 Tokarev BRASS Dummy Rounds 5

7.62x25 Tokarev BRASS Dummy Rounds 5

Price $20.00

7.62x25 Tokarev STEEL Dummy Rounds 5

7.62x25 Tokarev STEEL Dummy Rounds 5

Price $20.00

7.62x39 Eastern Block Dummy Rounds 5

7.62x39 Eastern Block Dummy Rounds 5

Price $15.00

7.62x54r Dummy Round Used Set of 5

7.62x54r Dummy Round Used Set of 5

Price $24.00

7mm Mauser Dummy Rounds Set of 5

7mm Mauser Dummy Rounds Set of 5

Price $29.00

8mm Mauser British BESA Dummy Rounds STEEL Set of 5

8mm Mauser British BESA Dummy Rounds STEEL Set of 5

Price $20.00

8mm Mauser Dummy Round West German

8mm Mauser Dummy Round West German

Price $10.00

9mm Luger Dummy Rounds MTL Set of 5

9mm Luger Dummy Rounds MTL Set of 5

Price $15.00

9mm Makarov Dummy Rounds 5

9mm Makarov Dummy Rounds 5

Price $18.00

Austrian WW1 Inert Ball Rohrhand Grenade #4539

Austrian WW1 Inert Ball Rohrhand Grenade #4539

Price $225.00

British WW1 No16 Lemon Grenade Inert #4536

British WW1 No16 Lemon Grenade Inert #4536

Price $225.00

Bulgarian Inert Training Grenade

Bulgarian Inert Training Grenade

Price $35.00

French Model 1916 Inert Citron Lemon Grenade #4116

French Model 1916 Inert Citron Lemon Grenade #4116

Price $145.00

German WW1 Inert Model 1916 Training Stick Grenade #5081

German WW1 Inert Model 1916 Training Stick Grenade #5081

Price $350.00

German WW1 Inert Wooden Training Grenade #4537

German WW1 Inert Wooden Training Grenade #4537

Price $125.00

German WW1 M1915 INERT Kugel Grenade #4571

German WW1 M1915 INERT Kugel Grenade #4571

Price $210.00

German WW2 Empty Ammunition Crate Finish Use #4834

German WW2 Empty Ammunition Crate Finish Use #4834

Price $145.00

German WW2 PzB 39 Panzerbuchse Inert Anti Tank Ammunition #5136

German WW2 PzB 39 Panzerbuchse Inert Anti Tank Ammunition #5136

Price $110.00

German WW2 PzB 39 Panzerbuchse Inert Blank Anti Tank Ammunition #5135

German WW2 PzB 39 Panzerbuchse Inert Blank Anti Tank Ammunition #5135

Price $140.00

Israeli 7.62 x 51 308 Winchester Dummy Rounds 5

Israeli 7.62 x 51 308 Winchester Dummy Rounds 5

Price $15.00

Israeli 8mm Mauser Dummy Rounds 5

Israeli 8mm Mauser Dummy Rounds 5

Price $15.00

Italian SCRM M35 INERT Red Devil Grenade #4669

Italian SCRM M35 INERT Red Devil Grenade #4669

Price $150.00

Italian WW2 81mm Mortar Storage Case

Italian WW2 81mm Mortar Storage Case

Price $65.00

Japanese WW2 25mm AA Cannon Inert Round #4624

Japanese WW2 25mm AA Cannon Inert Round #4624

Price $135.00

Japanese WW2 Inert 20mm Navy Aircraft HE Cannon Round #5063

Japanese WW2 Inert 20mm Navy Aircraft HE Cannon Round #5063

Price $325.00

Japanese WW2 Inert Ceramic Hand Grenade #4623

Japanese WW2 Inert Ceramic Hand Grenade #4623

Price $125.00

Japanese WW2 Type 97 Inert Hand Grenade #4622

Japanese WW2 Type 97 Inert Hand Grenade #4622

Price $345.00

Ordnance Art Brass Vase or Pitcher #4582

Ordnance Art Brass Vase or Pitcher #4582

Price $42.00

Polish 7.62x54r Dummy Round 1

Polish 7.62x54r Dummy Round 1

Price $10.00

RPG-7 Rocket Launcher Empty Propellant Tube #4980

RPG-7 Rocket Launcher Empty Propellant Tube #4980

Price $39.00

Set of 2 US Military Mk1A1 Inert WW2 Training Grenade #4964

Set of 2 US Military Mk1A1 Inert WW2 Training Grenade #4964

Price $85.00

Swedish Mauser Early M19 6.5 Dummy Round 1 Blackened

Swedish Mauser Early M19 6.5 Dummy Round 1 Blackened

Price $18.00

Swedish Mauser Early M19 6.5 Dummy Round 1 Plated

Swedish Mauser Early M19 6.5 Dummy Round 1 Plated

Price $9.00

Swedish Mauser M41 6.5 Dummy Rounds Set of 5 w/Clip

Swedish Mauser M41 6.5 Dummy Rounds Set of 5 w/Clip

Price $26.00

Swiss Military 7.5 Dummy Round

Swiss Military 7.5 Dummy Round

Price $10.00

US 30-06 Dummy Rounds Fluted Brass 5

US 30-06 Dummy Rounds Fluted Brass 5

Price $24.00

US 30-06 Dummy Rounds SA Export 5

US 30-06 Dummy Rounds SA Export 5

Price $20.00

US 40mm GMG Grenade EMPTY Case TP

US 40mm GMG Grenade EMPTY Case TP

Price $10.00

US 40mm Rifle Grenade EMPTY Case Plastic M212

US 40mm Rifle Grenade EMPTY Case Plastic M212

Price $7.00

US 40mm Rifle Grenade INERT Practice Round

US 40mm Rifle Grenade INERT Practice Round

Price $38.00

US 7.62 NATO Dummy Rounds BRASS 5

US 7.62 NATO Dummy Rounds BRASS 5

Price $15.00

US 7.62 NATO Dummy Rounds PLATED on Clip

US 7.62 NATO Dummy Rounds PLATED on Clip

Price $19.00

US Inert 20mm AN-M2 M18A1 Dummy Round

US Inert 20mm AN-M2 M18A1 Dummy Round

Price $20.00

US Inert 20mm Vulcan M18A3 Dummy Round #4022

US Inert 20mm Vulcan M18A3 Dummy Round #4022

Price $24.00

US Inert M31 M1 Garand Rifle Grenade

US Inert M31 M1 Garand Rifle Grenade

Price $75.00

US Military 20mm Vulcan Inert Projectile

US Military 20mm Vulcan Inert Projectile

Price $8.00

US Military 45 Auto Dummy Round Set of 5

US Military 45 Auto Dummy Round Set of 5

Price $15.00

US Military 50 BMG Dummy Round Plated

US Military 50 BMG Dummy Round Plated

Price $10.00

US Military INERT M68 Claymore Training Kit #4604

US Military INERT M68 Claymore Training Kit #4604

Price $250.00

US Military Ordnance Flechettes Set of 20

US Military Ordnance Flechettes Set of 20

Price $5.00

US Military WW2 50 BMG Dummy Round

US Military WW2 50 BMG Dummy Round

Price $7.00

US Military WW2 Inert 20mm Cannon Projectile

US Military WW2 Inert 20mm Cannon Projectile

Price $6.00

US Navy 3"/50 Mk9 Steel Cannon Casing #4057

US Navy 3"/50 Mk9 Steel Cannon Casing #4057

Price $75.00

US Navy 3"/50 WW2 Inert Wooden Training Round

US Navy 3"/50 WW2 Inert Wooden Training Round

Price $225.00

US Navy WW2 3"/50 Brass Cannon Casing Salute #4056

US Navy WW2 3"/50 Brass Cannon Casing Salute #4056

Price $75.00

US WW2 20mm Cannon Round Inert Dummy

US WW2 20mm Cannon Round Inert Dummy

Price $29.00

US WW2 30-06 Dummy Rounds 5

US WW2 30-06 Dummy Rounds 5

Price $20.00

US WW2 INERT M7A1 2.36 Bazooka Practice Rocket #4747

US WW2 INERT M7A1 2.36 Bazooka Practice Rocket #4747

Price $165.00

US WW2 Inert Rifle Grenade M11A3

US WW2 Inert Rifle Grenade M11A3

Price $80.00

WW1 British Battye INERT Emergency Grenade #4573

WW1 British Battye INERT Emergency Grenade #4573

Price $175.00